Hanami is one of the most popular spring events in Japan. Everybody - families, friends, company colleagues - secures places to view the fully open cherry blossoms. In the famous sites for cherry blossom
viewing, seasonal cherry blossom viewing events with nighttime illumination or temporary seasonal food stalls are organized. Hanami often is the first picnic luncheon occasion of the year and many people enjoy warm weather and dining outside under the cherry blossom trees. Securing the best spots in very popular places such as Ueno Park or Aoyama Cemetery Park in Tokyo is very competitive and the assigned junior person of the group usually arrives very early to the spot to keep the reserved space until the group members arrive. Hanami is a very popular party occasion in Japan. People enjoy dancing and karaoke under cherry trees in full bloom, and a lot of Japanese sake and other alcoholic beverages are consumed with Japanese food arranged in the lunch boxes. As April is the beginning of the school year as well as the business financial year in Japan, often new employees are assigned for the seat warmers of the Hanami part
ies. To arrange the cherry blossom viewing picnic in the festive style, it is a common custom to bring Japanese food beautifully placed on the Japanese lacquered lunch boxes. Japanese values seasonal themes of the four seasons. From this perspective, cherry blossom viewing in Japan is the biggest spring event to welcome the coming of the spring. Therefore, cherry blossom motif is one of the beloved features of the Japanese designs. Hospitality Japan.com presents the seasonal cherry blossom design items with the "Hopper Cana" obi cushions, kinran cushions, and decorative fans. You can create a "Japanese Style" decor of the spring floral image in your room with these items.
From Cecilia
Hospitality Japan.com "Japan"ese Boutique
Hospitality Japan.com